road less traveled
Picture of by Jamie

by Jamie

The Road Less Traveled

Simple, lovely, cozy, and holy. These four words are my guiding stars in creating a life that is meaningful, rich, and full of wonder.

I distinctly remember the day this path opened up for me. It was March of 2020 and COVID-19 was quickly shutting down life as we knew it. The path I had been walking was rushed and scattered, with too many pressures from the outside world and too much pain within my inner world. There were many good things on this path to be sure, but it felt downhill and uphill all at the same time and I was running faster than I had strength. The world was spinning out of control.

And then, without warning, the path stopped. Who knew that a microscopic virus could cause a rock-slide of such magnitude as to hedge up not only my path, but the path of every person on the face of the planet?

I stopped. The path I’d been stumbling and sliding down for so long finally had an end. But what now?

As if by magic, a little side path opened off to one side. A new, but very old path called to me and beckoned me closer.

It was a road less traveled, a quiet path, one that promised peace. So without a backward glance, I quietly stepped onto that path and began a life-changing journey.

This path taught me how to slow my pace so I could look around and see the sparkling beauty of the scenery around me. This path gave me the chance to leave the noisy world and tune into the whisperings of my spirit. On this path I could finally catch my breath and rest. I explored the deep parts of my being, began to heal wounded parts of myself that had been hidden for years, and found my true authentic self again.

This path led me on the adventure of pursuing a move on three different occasions, but then I was led right back to my own four walls where I learned how to redesign my home — painting, planking, decorating, and refinishing every space until it pulsed with a lovely coziness that I have been striving to capture my whole married life. This path helped me fall in love with my home all over again.

This path gave me the chance to leave the online social world and just live — soaking in every precious moment not so it could be posted online, but so it could be posted in my heart.

This path taught me the art of slowful living. It’s been several years of walking this path, and still I’m meandering through the wild wonder of it all.

It’s been so long since I’ve connected with you, my friend, in this space.

Where are you? Are you on a road less traveled — one of a slowful, heart-led nature? One that feels joy-full, wonder-full, and meaning-full to you?

Or are you on a frantic freeway and desperately want to find a simpler road less traveled of your own?

No matter your answer to the questions above, you belong here. I hope you’ll stay awhile and rest.

I hope that if you are seeking a quieter path, that you’ll find it here.

My goal is in this season is to help you find your very own custom-tailored quiet path and give you the resources, guides, and motivation to step onto your journey.

And if you, like me, are already walking your own wonder-filled, quiet way, I hope we can be friends–sharing ideas and resources to aid in our quests.

I have long pondered how to make these ideas of simple, heartfelt, meaningful living concrete, and accessible.

Words are inspiring, motivating, and empowering, but they are also abstract–especially poetic words that stir the soul. I have been trying to find a way to make abstract inspiration tangible and easy to implement in your life.

Tomorrow, I will bring the answer straight to your inbox. I can’t wait to share with you the system I have created to collect these simple, quiet resources and deliver them to you free of charge so you can begin or continue your very own road less traveled.

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Higher, Holier

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